Cancer accounts to a death of 6 million human lives every year. Modern medicine is aging with amazing advances in cancer care with increasing awareness, preventing, detection, treatment, and research and symptom management. Last 15 years has been a revolution. It is likely to fight Cancer out by getting an early detection particularly at a pre cancer stage thus yielding best cure with much shorter treatment time, lesser cost, and lesser body insult.
What is Cancer?
Many people are succumbing to cancer and the two biggest factor in this succumbing to cancer are Fear and Ignorance. Yes, people are ignorant to what cancer really is and as a result, they fear it.
Cancer is a cluster of numerous diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. If the spread is not controlled, it can result in death.
Cancer is caused by external factors such as tobacco, infectious organisms and unhealthy diet. Or internal factors such as inherited genetic mutations, hormones, and immune conditions. These factors may act together or in sequence to cause cancer. It can develop in almost any organ or tissue such as the lung, colon, breast, skin, bones, or nerve tissue.
Can Cancer be prevented?
A substantial proportion of cancer can be prevented. All cancer caused by tobacco use and heavy alcohol consumption could be prevented completely. According to the American Cancer Society Epidemiologists, in 2016, about 188,880 of the estimated 595, 690 cancer deaths in the US will be caused by cigarette smoking.
Recently, the World cancer research fund estimates that about 20% of all cancer diagnosed in the US are related to body fitness, physical inactivity, excess alcohol consumption and poor nutrition and thus could also be prevented.
Screening can prevent colorectal and cervical cancers by allowing for the detection and removal of precancerous wounds. Screening also offers the opportunity to detect some cancers early, when treatment is less extensive and more likely to be successful. Screening is known to help reduce mortality for cancers of the breast, colon, rectum, cervix, and lung. In addition, a heightened awareness of changes in certain parts of the body, such as the breast, skin, mouth, eyes, or genitalia, may also result in the early detection of cancer.
Types of Cancer
There are numerous types of cancer our body can suffer. Here we are going to give you the basic information on risk factors, symptoms, early detection and treatment, as well as statistics on incidence, mortality, and survival for the most common diagnosed cancers.
Breast Cancer
In 2016, invasive breast cancer is diagnosed in about 246,660 women and 2,600 men. Additionally, 61,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women. An estimated 40,890 breast cancer deaths are expected in 2016. This cancer ranks second as cause of cancer death in women.
Childhood Cancer
In 2016, an estimated 10,380 new cases are expected to occur among children 1 to 14 years of age. According to the recent survey 1,250 cancer deaths are expected to occur among children in 2016. This is the second highest cancer which is responsible of death in children ages 1-14 years.
An estimated 39,230 new cases of liver cancer are expected to occur in the US 2016. This cancer is about 3 times more common in men than in women. According to surveyors 27,170 liver cancer deaths are expected in 2016.
This is what cancer is! And cancer is the second biggest killer of Americans and Western Medical experts predict that in new millennium, one out of every two Americans will ultimately die of cancer. And this is true if we do not change our ways and our lives.
If you want to get rid of this dreadful disease, spread awareness about it. There are numerous ways to raise your voice against cancer such as roadshows, customize mugs, T-shirts, Banners, wristbands, etc. Customized silicone wristbands are undoubtedly an amazing way to aware people. One can easily customize it by imprinting messages, text, slogans, designs or artworks. You can even swirl or segment your wristbands with two or more colors. So, awake people about cancer with these captivating accessory.